Diabetic Dog Treats

A little over a year ago I was dismayed to find out that my beloved poodle was diabetic. I am happy to report that he now receives insulin shots twice a day and is on a special diet and though he is now 9, he is active and healthy and acts like a puppy. One of the problems I originally had was that he loves treats and they became off-limits once he was diagnosed. I started researching on theĀ internetĀ and found the following recipe for treats. It sounded good so I gave it a try, and I am so glad that I did. He loves these treats and looks forward to getting his shot so that he can then have a liver treat! I have had friends try the treats with their non-diabetic pets and they all report that their pets LOVE them! These treats are easy to make and the recipe makes a large amount of them so I put them in the freezer and always have treats available.
